
Learner Journey Summary - S3 Lower

Learning Intentions
Le collège
  1. To revise school subjects and opinions
  2. To learn more extended opinions
  3. To compare the school day
  4. To learn about School Rules and Uniform
  5. To learn how to use the modal verbs Il faut / on doit + infinitive
  6. To become familiar with some essential verbs
  7. To improve my Listening (L), Reading (R), Talking (T) and Writing (W) skills
Les médias
  1. To revise TV/Film types and opinions
  2. To know how to use ir / re and er verbs in the present tense
  3. To learn pros/cons of TV
  4. To discuss social media and mobile phones
  5. To further improve my dictionary skills
  6. To improve my Listening, Reading, Talking and Writing skills
French for Life and Work Purposes
  1. To reflect on my skills
  2. To learn about CVs, job adverts and job applications
  3. To present my skills and work experience
  4. To learn about Jobs
  5. To revise Nationalities
  6. To learn about Places in the Town and Locations
  7. To learn how to say what I can do in town
  8. To revise Hobbies
  9. To watch a French language film with English subtitles
  10. To improve my Listening, Reading, Talking and Writing skills

Learner Journey Summary - S3 Upper

Learning Intentions
Le collège
  1. To revise school subjects and opinions
  2. To learn more extended opinions
  3. To compare the school day
  4. To learn about School Rules and Uniform
  5. To learn how to use the modal verbs Il faut / on doit + infinitive
  6. To become familiar with some essential verbs
  7. To improve my Listening (L), Reading (R), Talking (T) and Writing (W) skills
Les médias
  1. To revise TV/Film types and opinions
  2. To know how to use ir / re and er verbs in the present tense
  3. To learn pros/cons of TV
  4. To discuss social media and mobile phones
  5. To further improve my dictionary skills
  6. To improve my Listening, Reading, Talking and Writing skills
La famille
  1. To revise family members and descriptions
  2. To discuss relationships and what I am allowed to do at home
  3. To learn about housework and pocket money
  4. To be confident using adjectives
  5. To learn how to use reflexive verbs
  6. To revise the use of modal verbs
  7. To improve my Listening, Reading, Talking and Writing skills
Les vacances
  1. To learn about Countries and Methods of Transport
  2. To give opinion on holidays
  3. To talk about Past Holidays
  4. To talk about Ideal Holidays
  5. To become familiar with the Perfect and Conditional tenses
  6. To improve my Listening, Reading, Talking and Writing skills
  1. To learn about Film / Cinema
  2. To watch a French language film with English subtitles
  3. To improve my Listening, Reading, Talking and Writing skills