Additional Support Needs
Welcome to the Additional Support Needs Base (ASN) at Cathkin High School. We hope the information on this page will give you some idea of who and what we are! We have put together some questions you may want to ask, but if you still need to ask anything, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Where is the ASN Department?
It is in Cathkin High school. We have five classrooms at the end of the Support Wing F.
How many teachers do you have?
We have 7 teachers and 8 classroom assistants.
How many learners do you have?
At the moment we have 45.
If my child is in mainstream so much-why don’t I just send them to our local secondary?
The ASN Department can provide a higher teacher:pupil ratio. We can keep each child firmly in our sights and make sure they are supported both academically and socially.
Will my child be included in mainstream?
Yes, our philosophy is an inclusive one. This means your child will be working with children their own age and making social contacts.
How do you decide what classes my child will attend in mainstream?
We let the children try everything possible within the constraints of staffing and resources.
How will I know how my child is doing?
You can contact your child's link teacher or the PT ASN Department by telephoning the school office or by e mail. You will always be able to talk to us.
When will my child be in the Department?
That depends on your child's needs. They may have opportunities to spend more or less time in the Department to work on English, Maths, extra help for subjects, homework, revision and support for assessments.
That doesn’t seem like much...
Each child is different and some may prefer to be supported within the mainstream class. For others, they may need extra time in the base.