Personal and Social Education
Learner Journey Summary - S1
Introduction to PSE / PLP Preparation
- Learn to meet challenges, manage change and build relationships.
Careers Education
- Define strengths and skills to help make informed choices when planning next steps
Healthy Relationships
- Learn the importance of developing positive relationships.
- Understand your body's uniqueness and the changes that are taking place within your body, and that of others.
Home Safety and First Aid
- Learn to assess and manage risk and understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour.
- Learn how to respond in various emergency situations where they require to get help or provide basic care.
Bullying, Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
- Learn to stay safe, and within the law, while promoting positive behaviour online.
- Develop self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others.
- Develop a range of decision making skills in order to have a healthy mind and body.
Substance Misuse (Alcohol)
- Develop a range of decision making skills in order to have a healthy mind and body.
Sun and Water Safety
- Learn how to stay safe in the sun and in water.