Skills for Learning, Life & Work
Achievement and Skills
Taking Responsibility for Self Development
- Learners take active steps to improve their learning, leading to a positive destination.
Managing, Planning and Organising
- Learners on a daily basis, manage, plan and organise their work and learning both within and out with school.
- Learners’ ability to exchange information and ideas through reading, writing, talking and listening.
Working with others
- Leaners’ ability to work respectfully in partnership with others.
All children and young people are entitled to develop Skills for Learning, Life and Work. Through Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and the Cathkin High School Passport of Skills, we will support all children and young people in developing skills which they will use throughout their Learning, Life and Work.
Our aim is to create an ethos of achievement for all learners within a climate of high expectation regardless of the barriers to learning.
The development of skills is essential to learning and education, helping young people become Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible citizens and Effective Contributors.
It is important that children and young people are aware of and understand the value of the skills they are developing. Teachers, families and learners should reflect together on their progress in the range of skills that they consider to be important in their Learning, Life and Work.
Progression in skills is signposted in the Experiences and Outcomes, particularly in relation to Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. This will help staff to ensure that as they progress through CfE levels, learners continue to develop and apply their skills.
Cathkin High School Passport of Skills focuses on Skills for Learning, Life and Work, thus ensuring we are delivering the curricular aims of CfE. These are delivered in all of the 4 contexts for learning, those being the curriculum, IDL, school ethos and wider achievement. These are brought together regularly through learner’s skills classes and through their Focus Point blogs and are reviewed through Personal Learning Plans (PLP). To allow learners and families to be involved in the PLP process, accurate assessment and tracking of subject skills and Skills for Learning, Life and Work are essential. These help learners reflect on their achievements and plan their future learning pathways.
The Way Forward
Whole School
- Departments identify where Skills are developed in each subject, IDL and extra-curricular activities.
Teacher View
- Reports, tracking profiles.
- Learners to identify where skills are being developed in subjects, IDL, extra-curricular activities both in and out of school.
Learner View
- Department profiles, Focus Point, Blogs, Self Tracking.
- Learners can review their skills progress in skills classes supported by PS Teacher recorded in Focus Point.
Subject Profiles
- Learners review their progress with their teacher after significant learning events.
- Annual review of progress and an agreed Plan.