Support for Learning
S1 & S2 Fresh Start
Read Write Inc. Fresh Start is a synthetics phonics programme to support pupils who have struggled to make progress with reading and writing skills. Identified pupils follow this programme within the Support for Learning Department three periods per week in S1 and two periods per week in S2.
The resource covers reading accuracy, fluency, comprehension, spelling and writing. A key part of the programme is the ‘speed sounds lessons’. Flash cards and speed sounds charts are used to teach letter sounds and graphemes. 33 module booklets and anthologies are used to deliver the programme. Each module builds on known sounds and words.
Built into the module booklets are spelling, vocabulary and grammar exercises. Pupils learn how to spell common words with common graphemes and suffixes, spell common words with unusual graphemes and how to write prepared sentences with correct spelling and punctuation.
Pupils also have access to IDL Literacy, a web based phonics programme which can be accessed from home to further reinforce their phonics learning.
Target sheets are completed and posted home at the end of the programme. Pre and post testing is completed using the Single Word Spelling Test, the Single Word Reading Test and the Suffolk Reading Comprehension Scale to measure the impact of the support.
S1 Spelling Programmes
S1 pupils who are identified as having a spelling difficulty take part in the S1 Spelling Programme. This programme runs for 2 terms. The aims are to reinforce the main spelling rules and raise awareness of strategies to improve spelling. Target sheets are completed and posted home at the end of the programme. Pre and post testing is completed using the Single Word Spelling Test to measure the impact of the support.
S1, S2 & S3 Reciprocal Reading Groups
The Reciprocal Reading Programme is offered to pupils in S1, S2 and S3. A small group of targeted pupils read aloud with a Support Assistant during the first 15 minutes of the English period using high interest, age appropriate books. All classes receive at least 2 sessions per week. The rest of the class is engaged in private reading doing this time. The Support Assistant questions the pupils for comprehension and pupils are encouraged to make predictions, ask questions, discuss parts of the text they are unsure of and summarise. Reciprocal reading techniques: Pre and post testing is completed using the Suffolk reading comprehension assessment to measure the impact of the support.
You can access the related documents below in the 'Downloads' section.
Anxiety Group
The SfL Department offer an anxiety support group. The group works on a programme of cognitive behaviour therapy to manage anxiety and is mainly based on the “Exploring Feelings” book by Dr T Attwood. Art relaxation sessions, Google Expeditions and the 60 Mindful Minutes resource are also incorporated into the sessions. Pupils are pre and post tested using the Spence Anxiety Scale to evaluate the impact of the support.
Early Birds Homework Club
A morning ‘Early Birds Group’ is also offered each day from 8.30am until registration for a number of identified pupils.
Ruth Douglas
PT Support for Learning
- 2017-it-takes-all-kinds-of-minds.pdf
- A Parent Carer Guide to Dyslexia.pdf
- A Staff Guide Dyslexia.pdf
- Cathkin Literacy Support Framework.docx
- Help your child with literacy.pdf
- reciprocal reading guide for parents.pdf
- Reciprocal Reading Evaluation Cathkin High May 2017.docx
- Reciprocal Reading reminder sheet.pdf
- S1 S2 Fresh Start info for SfL webpage.docx
- School Closure Toolkit.pdf
- support parents leaflet.pdf
- Working Memory and Learning leaflet Psych Services.pdf
External Links:
- GTCS Webinar: Supporting Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties
- ASD: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- AS: Asperger’s Syndrome
- ADHD/ADD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder
- DCD: Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)
- Dyscalculia (UK)
- Dyscalculia
- Dyslexia (UK)
- Dyslexia
- Dyslexia Scotland
- Addressing Dyslexia
- Dysphasia
- Global learning difficulties
- ODD: Oppositional Defiance Disorder – an enduring pattern of uncooperative, defiant and hostile behaviour towards authority figures
- VI: Visual Impairment
- Mindroom
- Fresh Start