Parent Council
Office Bearers
Please find below details of our current office bearers who are elected at our AGM meetings.
- Chair: Cheryl Burnett
- Vice Chair: Vacant
- Treasurer: Patrick Holmes
- Vice Treasurer: Lisa Kavanagh
- Secretary: Vacant
- Clerk: Vacant
If you wish to contact the Parent Council – Please email us at:
Please note that this email address is responded to intermittently. If you have not received a prompt response please contact the school office who can forward your query to the Parent Council.
All funds raised by the Parent Council enables the school to provide additional activities and resources, all of which support and enhance our pupil’s learning experience. Read below to learn about some of our activities.
Car Boot Sale & Mini Fair
Our last fundraising activity was a Car Boot Sale & Mini Fair held on 8th October 2016. Thanks to everyone who contributed from our helpers on the day, home bakers, to everyone (including local companies) who donated items for the raffle/tombola and especially to everyone who came along. The weather was fantastic and the event a success with more people attending than the previous year.
Future Fundraising
We have formed a new subcommittee to co-ordinate communications and fundraising. The group plan to meet once a month to exchange ideas (watch this space for any upcoming activities) and if you’d like to get involved too, please get in touch with us at:
The Cathkin High School Numbers Club - a chance to win cash prizes and help our pupils
A great way to support our fundraising with not too much commitment is to join our Numbers Club. The Club has a target of 100 members, each paying £2 per month via standing order. Each month one lucky winner wins a cash sum.
Why join? Half the proceeds go to Parent Council Funds which can be used to fund educational resources and other items whilst the school copes with the current budget constraints. If you would like to join, please contact us at the above e-mail address or contact the school office. Download an entry form below, you never know, you might be a lucky winner!