Policies & Documents
- Bullying guide for Parents & Carers.pdf
- Cathkin Campus Traffic Management Plan v5 20-9-2022.pdf
- Cathkin High School Handbook 2020.pdf
- Cathkin High Standards and Qualities 22-23.pdf
- CHS COSD Policy.docx
- CHS Therapy Dog Policy Risk Assessment.pdf
- Cov19_Reducing the Risk in Schools.docx
- HMIE Positive Comments.pdf
- lgbt-charter-rights.pdf
- Primary Secondary Transition Policy.pdf
- Treat Me Well Policy.pdf
- 1. S2-S3 Parental Information Presentation.ppsx
- 2. S3-S4 Parental Information Presentation.ppsx
- 3. S4-S5 Parental Information Presentation.ppsx
- 4. S5-S6 Parental Information Presentation.ppsx
- 5. CHS Curricular Pathways 24-25.pdf
- Creative and Aesthetics 24-25.ppsx
- English 24-25.wmv
- Health and Wellbeing 24-25.wmv
- Humanities 24-25.ppsx
- Mathematics 24-25.wmv
- Modern Languages 24-25.ppsx
- S3 Wider Achievement Masterclass 24-25.ppsx
- Science 24-25.wmv
- Technologies 24-25.ppsx