Pupil Support
What is Pupil Support?
It is our job as Pupil Support teachers to encourage close contact between home and school. We are committed to establishing a strong and effective partnership with parents.
What do Pupil Support staff do?
We are FOR the pupils and therefore we support pupils. We are concerned with their personal, curricular and vocational welfare.
How can we work with Parents?
Parents can contact us with information that can help us best support their son / daughter; parents can also be in touch to help the school to be better informed about their successes and achievements out of school. We are very keen to encourage contact between home and school and to seek to genuinely involve parents in their children's school career.
Support Structure
There are five HOUSES with a Pupil Support teacher for each HOUSE:
Your child will be allocated to one of these houses for the whole of his/her stay in the school as far as possible. During this time, the Pupil Support staff develop a close and supportive relationship with your child. Pupil Support staff in Secondary schools are subject teachers who have been given additional responsibilities in the area of pupil welfare. We would encourage you to contact your child’s Pupil Support Teacher if you have any concerns.
Carla Connelly
Skye House
- Personal and Social Education
Eilidh Colligan
Tiree House
- Developing Scotland's Young Workforce
Ashly Sullivan
Barra House
- University and College links
Andrew Smith
Jura House
- Primary-Secondary Liaison
Fiona McIntyre
Arran House
- Work Experience
Laura Russell
- Work Experience
How to get in touch
Please telephone the school on 0141 643 3470 and ask to speak to your child's Pupil Support teacher. If the Pupil Support teacher is not available at that time, office staff will take a message and the Pupil Support teacher will be back in touch with you.