You Said We Did

Ever wondered what we do with all of the feedback learners, families and staff give us? Here's how we have taken forward your ideas and suggestions.

P7 Parent/Carer – Can I see an example of an S1 Timetable?

We have now included this information at the P7 Information evenings in September and June.

S1 – The corridors and stairs are too busy.

We have set up a 2 bell system at the end of interval and lunch to ease congestion. S1-3 go on the first bell, S4-6 go on the second bell.
We have also split the street into designated areas to maximise the 2 bell system. S1-3 inhabit the end of the street nearest to the stairs that lead to the teaching corridors in order to reach their classes first.

Parent/Carer Focus group – paper communication did not always reach home via pupil mail.

We have now introduced Parentmail as a more reliable source of communication. We also use Twitter as a daily source of whole school communication to parents/carers. We will also continue to issue termly Newsletters.

Parent/Carer Focus Group – could there be more opportunities to gather Parent/Carer views throughout the year, for example at reporting times?

Along with the Parent/Carer response sheet issued as part of reports, we will also provide a sheet for comments about any aspect of the school.

More opportunities to seek views and take Parent/Carer views into account.

We are carrying out more extensive Parent/Carer surveys at all Consultation Evenings and publishing the data collected and our responses to your comments via Parentmail and the school website. We would appreciate more specific comments on the surveys. This would help us to take your ideas/concerns forward.
We are also increasing our Parent/Care Focus Group invitations throughout the session. We welcome any feedback at any time of the year. Please email

More regular information on my child’s progress.

The school is increasingly spreading contact with Parents/Carers about their child’s progress throughout the year. This includes Tracking Reports, Parental Reports, Personal Learning Plan feedback, Parent Consultation Evenings.
We also welcome ongoing discussions with Parents/Carers who can contact their child’s Pupil Support Teacher or Depute Head at any time if they would like further support or information.

More information about learning and homework.

We have produced a Learner Journey outlining progression in each subject from S1-6. Each Learner Journey will outline the following:

  • Learning Intentions
  • Success Criteria
  • Planned Homework Activities
  • Ways to Support Learning at Home
  • Assessment
  • Skill for Learning Life and Work
These will be available on our new website scheduled to launch in October 2017.

Parent Carer Focus Group suggested the idea of a Blazer Amnesty to support families who might not be able to afford a blazer.

This was set up for all learners and their families during the summer holidays.

Talk more about bullying.

This will be the theme of one of our Parent/Carer Focus Groups this session.

Pupil appointment times are all over the place at Parents Evening.

As part of Parentmail, we will explore the possibility of an online booking system for Parents/Carers.

Update Parentmail to report absence.

We will explore the possibility of doing this for next session.

Better communiction is required with school football teams

We have taken this on board and will comunicate more formally and regularly.