Personal and Social Education

Learner Journey Summary - S3

Healthy Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood
  1. Develop decision making skills in relation to Parenthood, sexual health and relationships.
  1. Contribute to making your school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.
Drugs and Substance Misuse
  1. Make informed personal choices to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Homelessness and Domestic Abuse
  1. Develop self awareness, self respect and respect for others in the community.
Positive Mental Attitudes
  1. The mental wellbeing of all in the school community is developed through a safe, caring and purposeful environment.
Exam Stress and Study Skills
  1. Make full use of and value the opportunities given to improve and manage learning
Work Experience
  1. Pupils will be confident in planning their transition to a positive destination.

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